Top 10 free publications about shotcrete you should not miss

Top 10 free publications about shotcrete you should not miss

Shotcrete has been used as rock support for over 100 years, and materials and equipment are constantly improving. In order to stay up to date, in this post, we would like to recommend the following 10 free publications about shotcrete that can be found online:


  1. American Shotcrete Association, Shotcrete Magazine (USA)

The Shotcrete Magazine is the quarterly publication of the American Shotcrete Association (ASA). Every issue features case studies, technical articles, news of the shotcrete industry and new product information.

The website of the American Shotcrete Association provides an archive search function for articles and you can also subscribe for the free print magazine.


  1. Jürgen Höfler, Jürg Schlumpf, Markus Jahn,Sprayed Concrete Handbook (Switzerland, 2011)

This introduction to sprayed concrete is a cooperation between Putzmeister and Sika. It provides an overview of shotcrete ingredients, requirements, applications, methods and processes. Offering detailed information, it can be used as a source for any doubts about shotcrete.


  1. ITA (International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association), Shotcrete for rock support – A summary report on state-of-the-art (France, 2010)

This report provides an overview of the current state of shotcrete technology in different countries, elaborating on the differences in design specifications, concrete technology, equipment and application methods, reinforcement methods, shotcrete for final lining as well as health and safety.


  1. Concrete Institute of Australia, Australian Shotcrete Society, Shotcreting in Australia – Recommended Practice (Australia, 2010)

This guide has been published by the Australian Shotcrete Society to promote the use of shotcrete in Australia and educate end users about the correct application. It includes descriptions of recommended technology and practice for shotcrete processes, applications, materials, mix-design, specifications and equipment.


  1. S. Bernard, Shotcrete: Elements of a system (2010)

This selection of papers from The Third International Conference on Engineering Developments in Shotcrete, organized by the Australian Shotcrete Society, includes a number of papers on fiber-reinforced shotcrete, often used in Australia. Other subjects include mining-related ground control requirements and nozzleman education.


  1. Austrian Concrete Association, Guideline Sprayed Concrete (Austria, 2006)

This guideline specifies recommended material, mix design, spraying procedures, requirements and testing methods for concrete spraying. The detailed information provided is intended as a basis for the implementation of concrete spraying of adequate quality.


  1. AFTES, Recommendations for the design of sprayed concrete for underground support (France, 2000)

These recommendations specify the design of the three categories of sprayed concrete used in tunneling and underground works: sprayed concrete as protective layer, structural layer and structural ring.  It also includes the principal behavior of sprayed concrete in general, its elements and requirements as well as principles of monitoring.


  1. EFNARC (Experts for Specialised Construction and Concrete Systems), European Specification for Sprayed Concrete Guidelines for Specifiers and Contractors (United Kingdom, 1999)

EFNARC is an association representing producers and applicators of specialist building products for concrete. Its main objectives are to provide a common voice to the industry as well as maintain a technical and professional standard for sprayed concrete by producing guidelines, specifications and training certification. This publication offers guidelines for all aspects of the concrete spraying process.


  1. Sprayed Concrete Association, Introduction to Sprayed Concrete (United Kingdom, 1999)

For professionals new to the industry, this publication is the perfect introduction. It offers basic descriptions and explanations about the most important shotcrete facts: common materials, properties and advantages, application processes, quality control methods as well as safety recommendations.


  1. New Zealand Shotcrete Association, Introduction to Shotcrete (New Zealand)

This introduction to shotcrete provides a broad overview about any aspect of shotcrete: properties, advantages, material, application, equipment, health and safety, control, testing and training. It serves as an introductory guide to obtain basic knowledge about concrete spraying.


Do you want to learn what shotcrete is in only 5 minutes? Do not miss our infographic, which provides an overview about the ingredients, methods, applications and properties.



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